Calling for litter action in Ontario!Read our press release calling for action.
Read Sheila's submission on new approaches to littering.
Sheila White on litter prevention the focus of a short film documentary in 2017
Global TV online seeks our expert's take on plastic in the oceans
Oceans may have more plastic than fish by 2050: report (January 21, 2016)
Hamilton fines Good Samaritan $125 for cleaning up messy parking lot
Sheila White offers her "two-cents worth" on Radio NewsTalk1010
From the mayor on down, Toronto's talking about litter as snow melts
(March 17, 2015) CFRB Newstalk1010's Jim Richards wanted our take on Mayor John Tory's comment that Toronto seems dirtier this year.We backed the mayor 100 per cent.
At left, hear the entire Showgram interview plus callers' opinions. |
National attention from Yahoo! Canada for litter prevention and Sheila White
(December 13, 2014) When a prominent online news agency like Yahoo! Canada gives us such generous coverage, we know that we are on the right track. Feature writer Andy Radia takes an in-depth look.
A litter tax on smokers? Sheila White says 'no way'.
(April 7, 2014) Much to the surprise of host Jim Richards on top-rated NewsTalk1010, Sheila White shoots down the idea of increasing the price of a pack of smokes to help the City of Toronto clean up after littering smokers. Hear the interview, at right.
Pfizer Canada's television ad on the hot seat for image of cigarette butt littering
Sheila White keeps her elbows up in her discussion with feisty NewsTalk 1010 "Showgram" radio host Jim Richards about a national ad campaign that depicts a woman butting her cigarette on the steps of a school. Depictions of littering should be classified as offensive in advertising codes.
Find out more about this issue:
A big boost for litter prevention from CFRB Toronto NewsTalk 1010 on The Motts
Sheila White is a guest of Paul and Carol Mott, who agree wholeheartedly with her that littering is wrong. Hear what they have to say:
A deposit-return system for cigarette butts? Talk radio seeks our opinion.
Publisher Sheila White dishes out the latest on the tobacco litter, the tobacco industry, cigarette butt recycling and more
Hear Sheila respond to questions from AM 570's Neil Adams in this interview from June 25, 2013, edited to about seven minutes.
At right and below, clips from Sheila's 10 minutes on Kitchener radio
'Litter' voices can propel big change: Our message hits
(May 18, 2013) The Windsor Star, to be commended for running prominent articles about litter lately, gives our prevention message a wider reach. Our letter to the paper was picked up online nationally.
Our campaign on litter before No Tobacco Day saw TV and radio coverage
Group pushing the province to take action on cigarette litter
CityTV, CBC and others give our press conference their attention |
1 SMOKER = 1825 LITTERED CIGARETTE BUTTS A YEAR TORONTO (January 18, 2013) - Sheila White and Alex King, co-founders of the Litter Prevention Program, and Jay Reyes, of TerraCycle, a pioneering upcycling and recycling company in Ontario, came to Queen’s Park to display 54,750 of cigarette butts, the amount a one-pack-a-day smoker could litter over 30 years. Press Release |
We're getting good press. Read what influential newspapers are saying.
Christina Blizzard, Queen's Park Columnist, Toronto Sun
CFRB NewsTalk 1010 in Toronto picks up our story
"Pair Wants Queen's Park To Get Tough on Litter" by Katie Franzios |
Ellen Moorhouse, "Trash Talk" Columnist, Toronto Star
'Litter problem is getting worse,' group says
Antonella Artuso, Queen's Park Bureau Chief for the Toronto Sun, files an excellent story about our efforts.
Antonella Artuso, Queen's Park Bureau Chief for the Toronto Sun, files an excellent story about our efforts.
Scarborough resident talks trash on litter (December 18, 2012)
From the Toronto Observer, official newspaper of the highly rated Centennial College journalism program, read a great story by Shaun Thompson.
From the Toronto Observer, official newspaper of the highly rated Centennial College journalism program, read a great story by Shaun Thompson.
Radio has us on its radar too ... hear Sheila White tell it like it is on litter.
Listen to clips from Sheila's radio interview with Gary Doyle, AM570 Kitchener
Types of Litterers
Aussie Rules
Poo WiFi
Conference planners take note
Sheila talks with Jordi Morgan on Maritime Today, broadcast in Halifax, Moncton and Saint John
Taking On Ontario
Why Our Program
On Industry's Role
Smokers' Confidential
Below, Jennifer Lewington, wrote this article for The Globe & Mail in 2005 and gives "the dirt on litter" featuring us.